Market Risk Report as of September 20, 2021

From Chief Investment Officer Tom Veale,

“Watching a stampede from the distance can be thrilling. However, watching it turn toward your location might be a bit unnerving. The ease of which money can flow from one asset class to another is mercurial and slippery for short term investors. Those with a longer time horizon than a heartbeat don’t usually see the need to create yet another taxable event each time the herd changes course.

The purpose of the SignalPoint Market Risk Indicator (MRI) has been to allow a safe viewing of the “Running of the Bulls.” It helps us to keep reasonable perspective while we watch from relative safety.

We can let our Portfolio Strategies participate in markets that might otherwise seem heady without panic or complacency.
SignalPoint continues to monitor aspects of the marketplace to keep our focus clear on profit opportunities relative to overall market risk.
Best regards,
Tom Veale
The MRI came in one point down from a week ago at 34. It’s now only one point above the neutral range. Three MRI components dropped slightly this week while one rose a bit. The MRI Oscillator comes in this week at +1 which indicates slight upward pressure on market risk.”

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